Attention California Laundromat Owners! AB1628

California Laundromat Owners: Fight AB 1628! Protect Your Business and Customers (California laundromat legislation AB 1628)

Attention California laundromat owners! A looming piece of legislation, AB 1628 (California laundromat legislation AB 1628), poses a serious threat to your business model and could significantly impact your customers.

This law mandates every washing machine to be equipped with a microfiber filtration system – a well-intentioned initiative designed to tackle microplastic pollution. However, while aiming to address issues primarily caused by residential washing machines, AB 1628 overlooks the stark differences in commercial laundry equipment and operations.

Here’s how AB 1628 could disrupt your business:

  • Incompatible Technology: Commercial machines are designed for high-volume water flow, draining 50 gallons in seconds. Microfiber filters, intended for slower residential machines, would significantly impede this rapid drainage.
  • Extended Cycle Times: Clogged filters mean slower drainage, leading to longer wash cycles for your customers. This translates to reduced machine availability and potential frustration.
  • Limited Machine Availability: The already existing shortage of washing machines due to supply chain issues could worsen. Manufacturers might prioritize meeting standard machine demand rather than creating specialized models for California.
  • Increased Costs: Limited availability and potential modifications for California compliance will likely drive up washing machine prices, ultimately impacting your customers through higher laundry costs.
  • Impact on Vulnerable Communities: Laundromats are a lifeline for many, especially low-income residents who rely on them for basic laundry needs. Higher laundry prices due to compliance costs will disproportionately affect these vulnerable populations.

Don’t Wait. Take Action Now!

AB 1628 poses a significant threat to your business and could negatively impact your customers. Here’s how you can fight back:

  • Contact Your Legislator: Knowledge is power. Find your legislator by visiting this page: (
  • Make Your Voice Heard: Once you find your representative’s contact information, reach out and explain how AB 1628, in its current form, is not compatible with laundromats (California laundromat legislation AB 1628 laundromats). Highlight the potential negative consequences for your business and its customers. Urge them to oppose the legislation.
  • Spread the Word: Encourage your family, friends, and network to contact their representatives as well. There’s strength in numbers!

By taking action now, you can help ensure the future success of your laundromat and the well-being of your customers. Let’s work together to stop AB 1628 before it becomes law.

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